Thank you so much for being considerate of my policies and understanding that teaching is my livelihood and passion. My studio runs in a unique way, so please let me know if you have any questions!
In the Loud & Proud Piano Studio, students are guided to complete musicianship through activities such as reading music, understanding rhythm and theory and improvising at the piano. These skills are partnered with a focus on performance and technical development to enhance personalized instruction.
Students have 45 minute private lessons every week except for the last week of the month, in which students participate in group classes in place of private lessons. Group classes are a great opportunity for students to perform for each other, enjoy music games, play in an ensemble and have fun learning alongside fellow piano students. If participating in group lessons is not possible for your schedule, then other arrangements may be made. However, the expectation is that all students participate in group lessons.
All private and group lessons are 45 minutes long. You may choose your own payment plan from the options listed below which include private AND group lessons, as they are the same price. Each student might have a slightly different amount of lessons offered based on the regularly scheduled lessons and how they fall in the studio holiday calendar. The tuition will always reflect the proper amount of weekly lessons.
Payment Plans
Trimester payment: You can pay for lessons one trimester at a time (Fall, Spring and Summer) and you will be charged $45/45 minute lesson. If you choose this option, you will receive an invoice at the start of each trimester, and you are expected to complete the tuition payments as stated below:
Fall trimester (18 lessons including one group class per month) is between August 5th – December 20th and will be $810. This payment is due July 29th.
Spring trimester (19 lessons include one group class per month) is between January 6th - May 23rd and will be $855. This payment is due December 30th.
Summer trimester (6 lessons) is from June 2nd – August 1st and will be $270. This payment is due May 26th.
Total Yearly Tuition for 43 lessons: $1,935
2. Monthly payment: Monthly tuition must be submitted to me on the 1st of each month and you will be charged $50/45 minute lesson. I will send you an invoice at least a week in advance so you can submit tuition by the 1st of the month.
Total Yearly Tuition for 43 lessons: $2,150
No matter which payment plan you choose, it is expected that you continue lessons throughout the entire school year and summer (43 lessons total).
Accepted Forms of Payment – Your invoice will be sent via email and can be paid through Venmo, Zelle or a check made to Loud & Proud Piano. If you begin lessons midway through one of the trimesters or the middle of the month you will only be charged for the lessons remaining in that trimester or month.
Late Fee - Failure to pay tuition by the second lesson of the month will result in a $20 late fee.
Calendar - The studio calendar is available online through My Music Staff. Once you activate your student portal through My Music Staff, you will be able to see all scheduled lessons and recitals. All studio families are required to have a My Music Staff account in order to schedule summer lessons and receive lesson notes. Please be sure to add the dates of lessons and recitals to your personal calendar. If revisions are made during the year, you will be contacted immediately via email.
2024-2025 Group Class Schedule
August 26-29
September 23-26
October 28-31
November (no group classes due to Thanksgiving break)
December 16-19
January 27-30
February 24-27
March 24-27
April 21-24
May 19-22
June & July (no group classes)
2024-2025 Studio Schedule
August 5 - Start of fall schedule
September 2 - Labor Day (no lessons)
September 30-October 4 - Fall break (no lessons)
November 11 - Veterans Day (no lessons)
November 25-29 - Thanksgiving break (no lessons)
December 23-January 3 - Christmas and New Year’s break (no lessons)
January 6 - Start of spring lessons
January 20 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day (no lessons)
February 3-7 - Parent/teacher/student conferences (plan to have one parent available to discuss student progress)
February 17 - Presidents’ Day (no lessons)
March 10-14 - Spring break (no lessons)
May 23 - Last day of regularly scheduled lessons
June 2 - Start of summer lessons (must take 6 lessons between June 2-August 1)
Summer Lessons – As part of the Loud & Proud Piano Studio, students must register for 6 lessons throughout the months of June and July. Even if you do not take advantage of all 6 summer lessons, you will still be charged for these 6 lessons as it is part of the studio requirements.
Annual Books and Materials Fee ($75) – Upon registering for lessons in the Loud & Proud Piano Studio, there is a $75 books and materials fee. This annual fee covers the cost of all books, binders, and miscellaneous items needed throughout the year. Each year that you register for lessons, you will be billed with the $75 fee to cover books for the upcoming year. The teacher will be responsible for providing the appropriate books and having them to the student in a timely manner.
Annual Performance Fee ($25) – Upon registering for lessons in the Loud & Proud Studio, there is also an annual performance fee. This cost covers the preparation required by the teacher for recitals and other performance opportunities. This is due at the same time as the annual books and materials fee.
Annual Registration Deposit – In order to secure lessons for the fall, a $100 registration fee is due by July 15th. This will secure the student’s spot for the fall and will be credited towards August tuition. If you decide not to take lessons, you will not be refunded your deposit. If, due to scheduling reasons, a weekly lesson time cannot be agreed upon then your deposit will be refunded.
Communication – Open communication between parent and teacher is critical to students’ success. In order to provide a scheduled communication checkpoint, there will be parent/teacher/student conferences once a year. These conferences will take place the first week in February and will be at the beginning of the regularly scheduled lesson. During the conference, we will discuss your student’s progress, practice habits and any other concerns you may have. Please call or email me directly to communicate any concerns you may have throughout the year.
Practice Expectations – Each student should develop a practice plan that includes at least 5 practice sessions as part of their weekly schedule (similar to other extracurricular activities). Failure to prioritize piano practice on a regular basis will lead to a discussion on how to develop a practice plan that supports the student’s schedule and daily practice requirements. If piano practice strategies aren’t effectively implemented after the teacher, student and parent have discussed, then lessons may be terminated with a 50% refund for the remaining lessons in the schedule. Continuous lack of practice or bad behavior will not be tolerated.
Assignment sheets are given to students after each lesson as a guide for specific pieces to practice along with suggested practice strategies. This sheet should take priority in practice sessions as it includes detailed assignments meant to propel students forward in their musical journey. Beyond these assignments, students are encouraged to simply sit down and enjoy time discovering the piano in their own unique way.
In general, students aged 5-8 should practice around 20 minutes a day. Students aged 9-13 should practice around 30 minutes a day. Students aged 14 and up, or students who are preparing for performances/auditions, should practice a minimum of 45 minutes a day. No matter the age, it is recommended to break up practice sessions into multiple parts throughout the day to make sure that each minute spent at the piano is focused and efficient. Keep in mind that prepared lessons cost the same as unprepared lessons, but are much higher in value.
Attendance Requirements - Attendance at every lesson is vital to student success. By paying tuition, you are guaranteed a weekly slot in my teaching schedule. Therefore, please make every effort to keep track of your lesson time and schedule other activities around your weekly lesson. Once you commit to lessons in the Loud & Proud Piano Studio, you are expected to take lessons for the full amount that is listed in the studio calendar (37 regular school year lessons and 6 summer lessons).
Group lessons are in place of your private lesson for the week. If you can not attend your scheduled group class, there are no private lesson makeups available. However, if there is room in another group class then you may switch to a different group class for that month only. Please let me know at least a week in advance if you are not able to attend the regularly scheduled group class so we can make proper arrangements.
If a student is absent from a lesson, the instructor is not obligated to offer a make-up lesson under any circumstance. There will be no refunds for missed lessons outside of the 2 excused absences given throughout the year (details in the next section). However, if a make-up lesson is requested at least a week in advance then the lesson may be rescheduled if the teacher’s schedule allows. This lesson may be offered through an online or in person format. There are no make-up lessons or refunds/credits offered for lessons canceled within 24 hours of the lesson.
Holidays and Excused Absences - The studio follows the Huntsville City School System and their calendar holidays. In addition to these holidays off you will be given 2 weeks of an unpaid excused absence that you can use throughout the year if you are ill, have a family emergency, take an additional vacation, etc. If you know the dates that you will be missing in advance then please let me know and I will calculate the absence into your invoice. If you are not able to plan for your two excused absences in advance, then let me know at least 48 hours before the lesson and I will refund you through Venmo or Zelle. Once you use your 2 excused absences you will still be charged for future absences. If you begin lessons in February or later, then you will only have one unpaid, excused absence to utilize until the new school year begins again in August.
Online Lessons - Unless prearranged for weekly lessons, online lessons will only be implemented when scheduling a makeup lesson for inclement weather, teacher cancelation or a student is sick. Otherwise, please plan to attend lessons in person on a weekly basis.
Teacher Cancelation – Lessons missed by the instructor will be made up at a mutually convenient time. If a makeup lesson cannot be rescheduled, you will not be charged for the missed lesson. I will always try to let you know at least two weeks in advance if I have to cancel a lesson.
Inclement Weather - Anytime bad weather affects our lessons, we will find a mutually agreeable time to make up the lesson within the following month. This may take place in person or online. If there is not a mutually agreeable time within the following month, then you will still be charged for the lesson.
Lesson Withdrawal and Refunds – A one-month notice will be required if you choose to stop piano lessons. You are expected to pay for lessons in the one-month notice and will receive a 50% refund for the remaining balance of the lessons you have paid for if you paid for the entire trimester. Your lessons may also be terminated by the instructor if tuition balances remain unpaid for more than two weeks or late payments occur regularly. The Annual Fees are required each year that you sign up for lessons and are above and beyond the tuition rate. If a student decides to leave the Loud & Proud Piano Studio, fees will not be reimbursed.